Love cannot be bounded in any boundries of a particular day......Its the only requirement of a person from birth to death......Still to feel its presence..and for our expressions, we celebrate valentines day..... Happy valentines day to all my friends..
7-rose day, 8-propose day, 9-choclate day, 10-teddy bear day, 11-promis day, 12-kiss day, 13-hug day, 14-valentine day so i wish u A HAPPY VALENTINE WEEK.
With every breath I take, with every song I sing. I think about you, about the love and care. With which you touch my life. Sweetheart... I am missing you a lot! Happy Valentines day!!!
In life luv is neither planned nor does it happen 4 a reason but when d luv is real it becums ur plan 4 life n reason 4 living..! Happy Valentine's Day!