They may not always smell pure and sweet, A dirty diaper or a dampened sheet. But with a loving cuddle and a beautiful smile, The joys of parenthood are all worth while. Happy Childrens Day..!!
They may not always smell pure and sweet, A dirty diaper or a dampened sheet. But with a loving cuddle and a beautiful smile, The joys of parenthood are all worth while. Happy Childrens Day..!!
Children"s Day wishes Have a blast... Enjoy super cool joyrides... Relish on yummy treats... Coz, its fun-filled Childrens Day Here"s wishing you magical time ahead… ""
Such a treasure your precious child is, who will thrive on every hug and kiss. hold them close and sing them songs; they will only be a child for so long. happy children’s day…
Time for some splashing fun Cheers 'n' jolly time for everyone coz it's Children's Day May the love n laughter always stay on every child's face. Happy Childrens Day