Thanks for being

Thanks for being
Thanks for being there through the tears, laughter and dirty diapers. Happy Father's Day!

Jan, 19 2012     89 chars (1 sms)     748 views       Occassions > Father`s Day

more Father`s Day SMS Messages

Daddys hands were soft & kind when i waz crying daddys handz were hard as steel when i had done wrong, daddys handz werent always gentle, but i have come 2 understand... there waz always love in daddys hands
I'd go through stretch marks again for you. Happy Fathers' Day, darling husband.
I know just the person who needs "101 Ways to Be a Great Dad". Don't worry it isn't you! Happy Fathers'Day!
Some things are just better the way they are like you! Happy Fathers'Day!
You are the 1 who brought me all happiness. u never let me to touch sadness. you sacrificed entire life 4 my sake. without u my life will b fake.happy fathers day dad.
“delightful and loving, loved and admired, dad, you’re my hero, my life you’ve inspired. and when all my blessings are counted each day, i thank god in heaven for dad when i pray. dad thanks for your presence throughout thick and thin; you’re more than a parent, you’re my wonderful friend.” happy father day!
It is easier for a father to have children than for children to have a real father. i’m glad to have u dad, happy father’s day.
I feel safe when u r with me u show me fun things 2 do u make my life much better the best father i know is u. happy fathers day!
God gave me tha greatest gift i ever had, god gave me the best friend in the form of my dad. fathers day wishes 4 a dad who iz one in a million
Happy fathers day meanz more dan have a happy day it means i love u 1st of all then thanks 4 all u do it means u mean a lot to me & dat i honor you.
You've seen me laugh You've seen me cry And always you were there with me I may not have always said it But thanks and I love you Happy Father's Day
For the best dad who always had a smile for me. though we may be far apart right now, but here’s a big hug and kiss for you to let you know how special you are happy father’s day!