when i’m not

when i’m not
when i’m not messaging or calling u,u don’t think i am not Missing “u”.But i am giving u time to miss “Me”.

Jan, 19 2012     107 chars (1 sms)     912 views       Miss You

more Miss You SMS Messages

Brain:to think of u Eyes:to look at U Hand:to touch U.. Leg:to walk with u. Mouth:to say I MISS U.. Foot:to kick u if u dont MISS ME ..!!!
The Word ‘Hello’ means H=How R U? E=Everything all right? L=Like 2 hear 4rm U. L=Love 2 C U soon. O=Obviously, I miss you!
It's better to just quietly miss someone rather than let them know and just get no response..
A: all d time i think of u L: lonely i m without u O: on my mind its only u N: nver ever i'll 4get u E: everyday i miss u
The sea spoke to me about his Empire,about his non-ending Density,about his greatness and i spoke 2 him about “U”, He felt so small…
If 10 people care 4 u, one of them is me, if 1 person cares 4 u that would be me again, if no 1 cares 4 u that means i m not in this world.i miss you
when im alone,lying in my bed all sorts of things come into my head like why do i love u as much as i do the i realise its because you are you!XxX miss u
Every message is a smile ... every word is like a kiss but when you touch me ...remember this ... my life is full with happiness.i miss you
U mUz bE tiReD cOz u haF bEEn runNinG thrU mY miNd, u gOttA bE a thiEf coZ u haF stOleN My hEaRt n i muZ haF BeEn a bAd shOotEr CoZ i kEep miSSing u..
Today i miss u Yesterday i missed u. Don’t worry about tomorrow, i ll always miss u, and that is a promise. Miss U Forever.
When i am not messaging u it does not mean that i have forgotten u, i am just giving u time to MISS ME!!
"Tear is the silent language of pure heart"when the tears come with reason-you got some problem.But when tears come without any reason..you mis SOMEONE…