I thought I'd handle

I thought I'd handle
I thought I'd handle it just fine... and that I'd be happy just to keep you on my mind. But it isn't always that easy... Sometimes the one thing that would please me the most... is simply seeing you. I knew that I'd miss you. I just didn't know I'd miss you as much as I do.

Jan, 19 2012     274 chars (2 sms)     919 views       Miss You

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Year says to feb 29th"I Miss u 4 years"sky says to full moon"I Miss u 4 a month"My heart says 2 u ,"I Miss u Each & Evry second
I heared some whisper ur name,but when i turned around 2 see u who it was , i notice i was alone, i realized it was my heart telling me that I MISS U
In the flower my rose is you. in the jewel my diamond is you. in the sky my moon is you. i am body my heart is you. that’s why i always miss you.
when i close my eyes before sleeping i watch u in the dark, When im sleeping i watch u in my dreams, When i open my eyes i found u before my eyes..And then I start Missing u for all the Day…
I lukd back.. Coz I thot I saw U! I listend eagrly.. Thot I heard U! Bt no1 special was around. It jst made me realize.. dat, I'VE Been MISSING U...
Aapse milneka mann kiya tha, mannko samjhadiya, dil tadapne laga, usko v beheladiya. aakhe ro padi unko chup karadiya lekin aab sansein keherahi hain i miss u, kya uskovi rok du?
Brain:to think of u Eyes:to look at U Hand:to touch U.. Leg:to walk with u. Mouth:to say I MISS U.. Foot:to kick u if u dont MISS ME ..!!!
I must be a bad shooter because i keep missing you
Why i miss u ! There are three reasons why i miss u. 1. I am not with u. 2. U are not with me. 3. We are not together. Miss U Lot......!
Can i say, can i do, only three word, i miss you
No rhythmNo reaSonNo ocaSionNo SeaSonJuST felt like Saying HiI have been missing my friendEver Since da laSt time we Said BYE!!
Wat makes some people dearer is not just de happiness dat u feel when u meet them but de pain u feel when u miss them.. MISS U........