Distance and missing

Distance and missing
Distance and missing make us to realise how much we love a person... what they mean to our life... So try to love everyone b4 we miss them..

Jan, 19 2012     140 chars (1 sms)     943 views       Miss You

more Miss You SMS Messages

I heared some whisper ur name,but when i turned around 2 see u who it was , i notice i was alone, i realized it was my heart telling me that I MISS U
There are 24hr in a DayNight10hr 4 work8hr 4 sleeping3hr 4 eating1hr 4 other activitiesBut all the 24hr i do"MISS YOU"badly.
Shut Up Ok Don't Try To Be Over Smart.Apne Kaam Se Kaam Rakho Nonsence SelfishI Said2 My Heart When it said to Stop missing u.
Even If I m Alwayz Busy There Is Sill A Moment That I Remember You Converted To Feelings And That Makes Me Missed You ...
… Push down if you miss me… that is sweet of you …… Very sweet indeed …. You can stop now ….. You really miss me, …. me too
i miss u in every beats of my heart,in every blink of my eyes,in every second of time and .... in every movements of day,I MISS UUUUUU...
My teacher taught me that1 Hour =60 min and1min= 60 sec butShe never told me that1 sec without 'YOU' isequal to 100 years.MISS YU
Wenever I miss U, I wont luk 4u in my dreams or try 2 hear ur voice in ur msgs. I'll jus put my right hand across mychest n feel U!
Ever since you ve left i ve realised that a part of one`s Life is made of someone else`s life , I MISS THAT PART . I MISS YOU.
I miss u wen sumthng gud happens, coz u're d 1 I wana share it wit. I miss u wen sumthng is troubling me, coz u're d only 1 who understands me. I miss u wen I laugh & cry, coz I knw dat u're d 1 who makes my laughter grow & my tears dissapear.
No rhythmNo reaSonNo ocaSionNo SeaSonJuST felt like Saying HiI have been missing my friendEver Since da laSt time we Said BYE!!
Whenever i miss you, stars falls down from the sky. so any day if you find the sky empty, don’t blame me! it’s all your fault; you made me miss you so much