Luv not one, Luv not two Luv d one who luvs u true Luv not three, Luv not four Luv d one who luvs u more Luv not five, Luv not six Luv d one who really sticks Luv not seven, Luv not eight Luv d ne who really waits...
one day when d time is ryt, ul find d 1 uv ben waiting 4 ol ur life... dat person will sweep u off ur feet & LoVe u 4ol ur worth & ul b thankful uv waited!
u cant wrap love in a box, but u can wrap a person in a hug. A hug chrms,warms and makes everyone happy. That must be why God gave us arms. So here is a hug 4 u.
u r as sweet as bailey as strong as tequila as warm as cognac as exotic as malibu as heady as a cocktail & as special as as a champagne. i am simply drunk on U
Even the richest king cant have a greatest treasure i have. he may own things i can only dream of .. but he certainly doesn't have what i got & it's you
... That may appear as the truth to one personwill often appear as untruth to another person. But that need not worry theseeker. Where there is honest effort, it will be realized that what appearedto be different truths are like the countless and apparen