WoRdS CaNnOt

WoRdS CaNnOt
WoRdS CaNnOt ExPreSs ThE wAy I FeeL AbT U, ThE WaY I CaN’t ExpLaiN WhY ThE SkY Is bLuE BuT ThEn I KnoW mY HeArT Is TrUe WhEn I SaY I LoVe YoU.

Jan, 18 2012     142 chars (1 sms)     767 views       Love

more Love SMS Messages

Something in your smiles something in your smiles speaks to me, something in your voice sings to me, something in your eyes says to me, that you are dearest to me.
if you miss me just touch your heart and you will hear me, and if you really really miss me just close your eyes and you will see me
I hide my tears when I say your Name, But the Pain in My Heart is still the same, Although I smile and seem Carefree, Theres No one who Misses you more Than Me...
Under the sea, there lays a rock. In the rock, there is an envelope. In the envelope, there is a paper. On the paper, there are 3 words... 'I Miss You'
A gun can kill some1.fire can burn some1.wind can chill.anger can rage till it tearz u apart.but da power of ur smile can heal a frozen heart
Your love is the song in my heart. The sunshine in my sky. The promise of my world. The centre of my universe
I think of u, U too think of me.. But the differnce is, when I think of u, I send u message.. U think of me after recieving my message!
Trees Are Tall, Branches Are Small, But My Love For You, Is Greatest Than All.
Unsaid Words-Don't hate your loved ones for their mistakes...Who knows..the mistakes made maybe for your happiness to show their true love.
Anybody can luv a rose but no1 luvs a leaf tat is near 2 rose! Dont luv some1 who is beautiful, bt luv d1 who can mak ur life beautiful
Trouble is a part of your life and if you don’t share it, you don’t give the person who love you love a chance to love you enough
No matter where you are or what you"re doing, you"re always in my thoughts with your smile, with your voice, with your touch, with your twinking eyes full of love for me! and with you i"ve understood love"""