Take my eyes but let me see you Take my mind butb let me think about you take my hand but let me touch you But dont try to take my heart as it is already with you
They learned me that one hours equals 60 minutes and that one minute equals 60 seconds, but they never told me that one second without you can last for ever!
Its Amazing Hw 1 Prson Cn Bring U So Much Happiness & Pain In Ur Life May B Its Really Luv Knocking Whn She Cn Make u So Happy Tht U 4gt All D Pain So Don't 4gt All D Happinss Whn She Breaks Ur Heart
U promsd 2 tke cre of me bt u hrt me, U promsd me 2 brng me joy bt u brought me tears, U promsd me ur Luv bt u gave me PAIN... ME? I promsd u Nothing but I gave u Everything
As days go by, my feelings get stronger, To be in ur arms, I can't wait any longer. Look into my eyes & u'll see that it's true, Day & Night my thought r of U..