look at the SUN

look at the SUN
look at the SUN & you c TIME.. look in the HEART & you c LOVE.. look in the EYES & you c LIFE.. look at ur MOBILE & c who's REMEMBERING U!!!

Jan, 18 2012     140 chars (1 sms)     964 views       Love

more Love SMS Messages

A Short Walk iS So Difficult Wen No1 Walks With U.But,A Long Journey iS Just Like A Few Steps Wen U Walk With Sum1 Who Cares For U
Help ever, Hurt never. love ever, hate never. give ever, expect never, smile ever, cry never, Msg me ever, forget me never.
always remind urself`dt d best way 2 luv`s 2 giv luv as a gift--`freely,`willingly`& w/o expectation.`d purpose of loving`s nt 2 b luvd back,`bt simply 2 luv!
Care is d sweetest assence in d world,If someone says Take Care-it means U live in dat persons heart till d last beat TAKE CARE ..
Luv is magical. It's a language that deaf can hear a song, the crippled can dance & the blind can see a sunset. Wishing u a life full of LOVE.
Whn ol d wishes in ur heart,ol d dreams uv evr had & ol d things uv always hoped 4 soar in2 the sky & r reflectd in some` elses eyes; den uv found ur destiny
knowing u`has always been`a mystery.``i cudnt evn undrstand`how we evr`bcame friends.``But watevr`d rison mayb`im thankful`coz somehow`u made me hapPy.
If you fall in river there is a boat .. if you fall in well there is rope .. but if you fall in love there is no hope
When people see me texting they think i'm addicted to this texting thing. They're wrong because they don't know is that it's YoU i'm addicted to
I love you up from heaven down to the ground I’m really glad to have you found
Everytime you admire the wonderful things GOD has made, remember u r one of them, wonderful inside & out. U r blessed! U r special and u r loved. I love u.
Unsaid Words-Don't hate your loved ones for their mistakes...Who knows..the mistakes made maybe for your happiness to show their true love.