Door of memories

Door of memories
Door of memories will never close,How much v miss our frnds no one knows, Days will pass like years,And we'll remember the memories in silent tears…

Jan, 13 2012     148 chars (1 sms)     780 views       Friendship

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R we friends or r we not u told me once but i 4got 4 all da friends i'v eva met ur da 1 i won't 4get n if i die b4 u do i'll go 2 heaven n wait 4 u.
A friend gives hope wen life is low.A friend is a place where you can go.A friend is honest A frnd is true.A frnd is precius.A frnd is u
Lips Bhindi ki tarha Gaal Tamatar ki tarha Eyes Matar ki tarha Poora Face Gobih ki tarha E Khuda ye kaisa Dost diya Subzi Mandi ki tarha
Today is treasure, Tommorow is pleasure, Remember me when We are not together.
Only lovable person can feel your silent pain and will hold ur hand till you become strong...Iam here for you always as a "Loving friend"
When i was walking alone, I wished that i can reach da end of da road.. But when u r walking with me, I wish the road never ends.. Friend's forever..
True Friendship isn't leaving behind old friends when u find some new ones.It's abt preserving dried rose betwen pages inspite of being gifted a rose daily!
7 GOLDEN RULES TO BE HAPPY. 1.Never hate, 2.Dont worry, 3.Live simple, 4.Expect little,5.Give a lot, 6.Always smile, 7.Have a friend like me.
hi,every one young &old let 's enjoy and expand our friendship
with body, mind&soul .
My friend$hip i$ ju$t like WATER no colour no $hape no place no ta$te But i$ $till e$$ential for living So have it forever
A truely caring friendship means, one who knows you are crying and finds your tears even when you are walking in the rain...
Phulo se hasin muskana ho aapki, Chand sitaro se Jyada shan ho aapki, Jindagi ka sirf ek hi ho maqsad, Ki aasman se unchi udan ho aapki. Happy friendship day.