y hide ur feelings

y hide ur feelings
y hide ur feelings 2 d 1 u love? y lav d 1 hu lavs anader? y give evrything if only pain comes in return? y wait if ders nothing 2 wait 4? i guess d anser is... LOVE

Jan, 18 2012     165 chars (2 sms)     763 views       Love

more Love SMS Messages

If i reached for your hand , will u hold it ? If i hold out my arms, will u hug me ? If i go for your lips, will u kiss me ? If i capture ur heart , will u love me ??
FRIENDS are like stars..... you do not ALWAYS SEE them but you know they are always there…
Let`s share the world. A sea is for you, and waves are for me. The sky is for you, and stars are for me. The sun is for you, and light is for me. Everything is for you, and you are for me
Sometimes your joy is source of your smile, But sometimes your smile can be the source of your joy.. But every time you are with me.. I will be joy always.
My eyes are blind without your eyes to see, Like a rose without color. Always be there in my life sweetheart
When there is a confusion between your heart and mind, don't listen to your mind because mind knows everything but your heart knows only U.
I want you be near I want you be hear One day without you I can’t bear Like a person in the desert with a whole fear
Can you see me? no? Turn around, can you see me now? no? Turn again, can you see me now? I can see you because you have a special place in my heart!
To love is to risk..`sOmEtiMes we get`wt we dont xpect..`bt dats juz how it is to love..``we simply`have to give..```not knowing`what to take..
Care n affection is not a business where u give when u get.. It is a beautiful feeling for someone where u love to give even if u dont get.
Don"t find love, let love find you. That"s why it"s called falling in love, because you don"t force yourself to fall, you just fall. """"
ThRee seConDs t0 say i LoVe yoU...`3 hours to explain it...`aNd a LiFeTiMe 2 prove iT.