Hearts could only love for a while, feets could only walk for some miles, clothes won't 4ever be in style, but having U as my 'lover' is 4ever worthwhile....
Love is 2 souls intertwined in such a way you cant find their meeting place nor can you tear it apart it is one embodiment of pure pleasure & pain , joy & sorrow
If loving u is wrong, then I don't wanna be right. My luv for u is strong & brighter than any light. The way we must go is long but we'll win every fight.
Its Amazing Hw 1 Prson Cn Bring U So Much Happiness & Pain In Ur Life May B Its Really Luv Knocking Whn She Cn Make u So Happy Tht U 4gt All D Pain So Don't 4gt All D Happinss Whn She Breaks Ur Heart
Your so beautiful, so easy to love, A fallen angel from heaven above, An ocean of perfection, a cage and a lure, A magnificent creature, untainted and pure.
'I Trust You' is a better compliment than 'I Love You' because you may not always trust the person you love but you can always love the person you trust.