Every teardrop is

Every teardrop is
Every teardrop is precious so better make sure that if u drop some, its worth crying for, coz u can never pick them and put them back 2 ur eyes.

Jan, 18 2012     144 chars (1 sms)     807 views       Love

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Let`s share the world. A sea is for you, and waves are for me. The sky is for you, and stars are for me. The sun is for you, and light is for me. Everything is for you, and you are for me
In Love ... Letting Go Has Never Been Easy But Holding On Can Be As Difficult For Strength Is Measured Not By Holding But By Letting Go …
Love can make you happy`but oftentimes it hurts;`but love is only special`when you give it to whom it's worth.
Why do I miss you? Because u make me smile. U are so kind. U are so sweet. U are funny. And most of all, because u are not texting me any more. That's Y.
Measured by miles,u r far away.measured by thots,u r close 2day.Measured by eyes i dont c u around me but when measured by HEART u r Close to me..
When i say i love you, i mean i love you as you are i have no expectations, no selfish motives, no other desires than to let you know i really love you.
"You can''t make someone love u, all u can do is be someone who can be loved, d rest is up 2 d person to realize ur worth"
A good person supposed 2 b loved, a good person supposed 2 b trusted, a good person supposed 2 b valued....A good person supposed 2 b U...luv U.
Sometimes the people we hurt the most are the closest to us, for it is in loving someone that we stand close enough to be hugged and near enough to feel pain.
In life luv is neither planned nor does it happen 4 a reason but when the luv is real it becomes your plan 4 life n reason 4 living.
If u Have reason for loving someone,Then u are using your mind,but if u luv some1 for no reason,then u r using ur heart..and that is "true love"..!""
ts funny that all of the souls in this worls knows how i feel for you..but you it seems that ur the only one who doesnt have the clue.. i just wanna tell you what everybody knows and thats I LOVE YOU...