Some One Like

Some One Like
Some One Like Goldship,Some one Like Silvership,I like one Ship That is your Friendship

Jan, 13 2012     87 chars (1 sms)     769 views       Friendship

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Any1 can make a mistake tat's y pencils have erasers.No1 can walk alone,tat's y d shadows move along.No1 can b alone,tat's y Frndz r along...!
We can't own time to have long talks. We don't have nice chances for more laughs, but even though our world's dont meet, I will always be your friend to keep.
Stars are unapproachable...Sun is very hot... Moon is 2 far...So God gave me a friend like u so that I can say 'I've my own little Universe
0ur Friendship is Like Playing on See-SawNot only Because Its Always Fun With YouBut Also Because I Wouldn't MindGoing Down 2 See You Rising !!!
Our friendship means so much to me that if we were the last people on a sinking ship and we have only one life jacket, i'll mm............ ummm......... i'll miss u yaar…
True friends never leave each other. True friends never part. They just sometimes sit silently, deep in each others HEART saying………I am still here.
Some can give u Crying & tears Many others can give u Laughter & smilesbutonly Friends can give u"Laughing Tears"& "Crying smiles"
Set a place for me in ur heart & not in ur cel. Bcoz the cell's memory can be easily erased but the heart of a good friend saves forever & remember always..
Frndship is a package of FEELING... Nobdy can make it. Nobdy can delete it. Nobdy can explain it. Real frnds can feel it...
Hold a true friend with both your hands; don't let go for true friend comes once in a lifetime. That's why I’m holding you tight! Can’t let you go
There is a big difference between friendship and a rose... Roses last only a while ... but friendship is for ever
U r my sweet friend hona,I dont want U 2 khona,I want a place in Ur heart & amp;kona,Otherwise I will start rona.