Frndshp dsn't ocur

Frndshp dsn't ocur
Frndshp dsn't ocur wit special people..Bt people bcm special after being frnds..I dnt knw wat i am 2u,bt u r alwys special 2me...Take care..

Jan, 13 2012     140 chars (1 sms)     790 views       Friendship

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It takes only a min to get a crush on hr to like someone..a day to love someone..but it takes a lifetime to forget a FRD like u,.
Compare Luv&Frndship L F Blind Bright Mad Glad Alone Group Fear Joy Silent Rouse Blank Complete Short Everlast Danger Safe Think.
1 day if u need friend and there are 100 steps between us. U take the first step to get near me, i will take all the 99 steps to be there for u.
When emotions play their role the heart cries.When heart cries it does not make any sound & the person who listens to that unmade soundis called a Friend.
Lovable Number"143" Lovable Number"143" Lovable Symbol "Rose" Lovable Place "Taj Mahal" Lovable Organ "Heart" Lovable Friend, "Its......U"
Wen u r counting all ur friends, d oldest, best n d new, i wud lik to stand beside u n say 2 little words..."Me too.."
Friendship is responsibility not opportunity. It is cement that holds d world together friends r those who speak 2 u when others don't. friend is 1 who puts his finger on a fault without rubbing it in
Friendship is needless, like philosophy, like art.... It has no survival value; rather it is one of those things that give value to survival.
Respect those friends who find TIME for U in their TIME TABLE... But love those person who dont consult TIME TABLE when U need them…
Friends may meet.,friends may scatter..But if hearts r loyal.. Distance never matter..Keep in touch so that, friendship grows better
To Xpress ur love U need feelings To Xplain feelings U need heart To Xpose ur heart U need a friend To Xclaim as a friend. 'Iam there always.
When things turn out bad and your strength is no longer enough to carry them. You must never give up, cause when your strength ends, my worth os your friend begins.