A gud Frnd

A gud Frnd
A gud Frnd come 2 Visit u in d hospital wid flowers n goesbt a true frnd sit near u n says:buddy nurse is so HOT take ur time to get well.

Jan, 13 2012     138 chars (1 sms)     745 views       Friendship

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one who hold ur hand every time whenu need support is surely a good friend But best frnd is one who hold ur handmore tightly when u say leave me alone
All my life, I've been looking for something to satisfy and make me happy. You know it's right when they say that happiness can be found in the simplest things, and I found it in 7 letters. "FRIENDS"
As we go on we remembar all d times we had 2gether.&as our life changes cum whateva we will still be “friends forever”
wat is lyf? wat u make it to be.. wat is hapiness? wat ur heart sees.. wat is love? precious if true… wat is frndshp? nothing without u.
Life can be hard & not always fun.But as night brings dark mornin brings sun.Wen life gets tough & no1 seems 2 care.Give me a call coz I'll always b there!
Silences make the real conversations between friends. Not the saying but the never needing to say is what counts.
The day your friends stop bringing their problems to you is the day you have lost your best place in their hearts.
Time is 2 slow 4 those who wait,2 swift 4 those who fear,2 long 4 those who grieve,2 short 4those rejoice but 4those who hav true friend like u time is eternity
A bond of love, A medal of trust. A shoulder in sadness, A hand in darkness. A special relation to hold, An ear where secrets can be told. An appreciator for encouragement,
Sometimes in life v think we dnt need anyone,But sometimes we dnt hve anyone when we need someone,So, hold good people around n never let ur friends go...!!
FriEndSHiP Is A PRiCeLeSs GiFt tHaT cAn'T Be BoUgHt Or SoLd, BuT To Have An UnDeRsTaNdiNg FriEnd Is FaR MoRe WoRtH tHaN GoLd.
Sum1 Asked Me 2 Discribe U In 1 Sentence.. . . I Said- "Individual That Makes Place In Others Heart Widout Knocking It"