The happiest of

The happiest of
The happiest of people don't necessarily have the best of everything...they just make the most of everything that comes along their mrng

Jan, 16 2012     145 chars (1 sms)     814 views       Greeting > Good Morning

more Good Morning SMS Messages

Here's 2day's weather forecast. There shall be SHOWERS of BLESSINGS all over u & a HEAVY downpour of GOD's Favour all around u. GOOD MORNING
When All season will go dry, When All birds leave the sky, When All will say Good Bye, Once Again U will Find Me saying HHiiiiiii!!gd mrng!
Morning greetings does not only mean saying Good Morning, it has a silent message saying- I remember you when I wake up! Have a nice day!Gud mrng
Gud relations dnt need anyPromises,Terms & Conditions.It just need 2Wonderful People "One who canTrust & OneWho Can Understand''.
Success is going from one failure to another failure without loosing your enthusiasum............GD MRNG
Smile is a cooling system of heart, Sparkling system of eyes, Lightening system of face, Relaxing system of mind. So,keep smiling.
GOD is always playing CHESS with each one of us. He makes Moves in our LIFE & then sits back to see how we react to the CHALLENGES ... So make the best move before CHECKMATE....
May victory be a habit,inspiration a state of mind and wealth a consequence. Let happiness be a constant companion ! Good Morning.Good day.
One of the joys in life is waking up each day with thoughts that somewhere, Someone cares enough to send a warm morning greeting!Good morning and enjoy the day
Chalo sabse pahle ek kaam karte hai aapko pyar bara salam karte hai mubarak ho aapko yeh din is din ki sari khushiya aapke naam karte hai good morning
Prayer's may not change d situations; but it changes our attitude to d situation & gives us hope; which in turn can change our entire life.GM
When u Need Someone to Be Beside u And No One Is Around Just Gaze Up In The Sky,u Might Not See Me But Be Sure That We r Under The Same Sky,Id Never B 2 Far…GD MRNG