Fantastic Quote about

Fantastic Quote about
Fantastic Quote about life:-Everything is "Prewritten" but nothing can b "Re-written"! So live the best n leave the rest to GOD!.GD MRNG

Jan, 16 2012     136 chars (1 sms)     821 views       Greeting > Good Morning

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We may not achieve everything that we dream. but we will not achieve anything unless we dream.good morning
Leave something for someone but never leave someone for something becuz..... in life something will leave you but someone will always be with you .Good morning
The world will provide you with stones everyday; what you build out of it is your outlook - A bridge or a wall. Gd mrng
Never search happiness in others, This will make you to feel alone. But search it in yours self, You will feel happy even you are left mrng
How hard is the logic of human mind?"It seeks compromise when we are wrong & it speaks judgment when others are wrong.."Good Morning…
A beAutiFul Thougth:A winner cAn Show u d Way to Success..But A Loser cAn mAke you AwAre Of All WAys LeAding To FAilure..!-GM
Watch your thoughts; they become your words. Watch your words; they become your actions. Watch your actions; they become your habits. Watch your habits; they become your character. Watch your character it becomes your destiny.GD MRNG
Beautiful lines"Worrying doesn't reduce yesterdays sorrows, but it empties todays strength". So DONT WORRY, BE HAPPY..Good day!
A famous poet says "One can cross an ocean without wetting his legs but can't pass his love life without wetting his eyes" Thats LOVE. good morning.
If u fall, dnt see the place where u fell, bt see the place where u slipped.. Success is all abt correcting mistakes..Gud Mrng!
When I breath, I don’t see air but I knw it's around me!Wen I send a sms, I don’t see U. Bt I hope u think of me wth a smile!GM
Falling down doesn’t make you a failure but staying down does. Always remember that no one is perfect and when you fall harder, you bounce back mrng