Days passes by

Days passes by
Days passes by leaving beautiful memories. Words remains in the form of stories.But, relationship always remains in the heart like heart beat.

Jan, 12 2012     142 chars (1 sms)     737 views       Friendship

more Friendship SMS Messages

I value the friend who for me finds time on his calendar. I cherish the friend who for me does not consult his calendar.
Sweet fruits r easy to eat.Sweet words r easy to say.But sweet friends are hard to find… My Goodness….,Hw did u find me
Every frnd can say 'I can understand ur feelings' but a true frnd will always say 'I can feel ur feelings' dat is d true luv of a frnd.
My sweetest memory:our introduce.!My biggest sadness:The distance.! My biggest hope: i will c u soon.! My strongest prayer:our frdship ..
Remember 'U', Remember 'S', Put it together and Remember 'US'.
Mountains can fly, Rivers can dry, you can forget me, but how can I.
Someone somewhere dreams of your smile…and while thinking of you says life is worthwhile. So whenever you’re lonely…remember its true….someone somewhere is thinking of you
Haqiqat mohabat ki judai nahi hoti, kabhi kabhi pyar me bewfai hoti hai, hamari taraf hath badhakar to dekho DOSTIme kitni sachai hoti hai
If all my friends were 2 jump off a bridge, I wouldn't jump w/ them; I'd be AT the bottom 2 catch them.
DuRiNg OuR FrIeNdShIp, ThErE wIlL B TiMeS U wOn't SeE Me BeSiDe U, DuN ThInK I LeFt U BeHiNd, I JuSt ChOsE To WaLk BeHiNd U So I CaN CaTcH U WhEn U Fall...
Frndship is a package of FEELING... Nobdy can make it. Nobdy can delete it. Nobdy can explain it. Real frnds can feel it...
Real friendship is most notable in those times of trouble. Times of prosperity are full of ‘friends’.