Silence and Smile

Silence and Smile
Silence and Smile are two powerful tools.Smile is d way to solve many problems and silence is to avoid them...

Jan, 16 2012     110 chars (1 sms)     919 views       Greeting > Good Morning

more Good Morning SMS Messages

A 'Best Friend' is like a Chocolate & a True Friend is like Glucose! 1 True Friend is more Useful than 100 Best Friends! GD MRNG
When your life goes wrong, don't waste your time looking back at what you've lost for the road of life was not meant to be travelled backwards, just move on and say, "I'm with God, I will get through."
When we want to talk more than usual to our dearest, sometimes we cant say even a single word. Just the silence says, 'I hve lot to talk'…GD MRNG
If u fall, dnt see the place where u fell, bt see the place where u slipped.. Success is all abt correcting mistakes..Gud Mrng!
Life is more strict than a teacher.A teacher teaches a lesson and takes an exam..But life takes an exam and then teaches a lesson. Good Morning !!!
When Flood comes, the Fish eat Ants,When water dries, the Ants eat Fish.Fate gives chance to everyone.Just have to wait for our turn..GM
Chahe gussa karo Chahe galia do Chahe sir pito Chahe cell todo Chahe ghar ka saman bekher do Hum to isi time GUD morning bolenge.
Wen Time is Fast. Wen Moments r Hard. Wen Evry1 is Busy. Wen Seconds r Few. My MESSAGE Says That I m still Remembering U. GooD MorninG!
Whn V Wr Kids,V Cudnt Wait2Grow Up Now GrownUp & Realise Tht Wounded Knees & Broken Toys Wr Better Thn Wounded Emotions & Broken Hearts.GM
Don't place UR mistakes on UR head,its weight may crush U.Instead place them under UR feet & use it as a platform to view UR horizon. GM
If u MAnAge to Smile at Any Situation,U r the winner of Highest Number of heArts in This world.So ManAge with Smile Anytime nd Anywhere.GM
Nthing hapns witout a reason! "A persn who has com into ur life has com either to teach U sUmthing r to learn sUmthing frm U!GM