Don't only be close

Don't only be close
Don't only be close with someone who makes u happy.B close with sum1 who can't b hapy without U,it makes a lot of difference in life:GM

Jan, 16 2012     135 chars (1 sms)     998 views       Greeting > Good Morning

more Good Morning SMS Messages

Patjhad me bhahar leke ayenge, Khamo$i me ikrar leke ayenge Jab abi pukaroge pyar se hamara nam to GUD MRNG kehne $amne ayenge!! Good morning friends....
Shakespeare said "One beautiful Heart is equal 2 thousand beautiful faces. So better choose gud Heart rather than beautiful faces."gd mrng
The entry of moon..,earth smiles.The entry of flowers..,bees smile.The entry of rain..,trees smile..may the entry of my msgs make ur life smile..GM
I just love when morning gets here, cuz i can send a Great Big Good Morning sms to my bestest friend.what a lovely way to start my day
to luv someone is a natural instinct. to b luved by someone is luck. to live wid someone u luv is achievement. to live wid someone who luves u is life! gud mrng
Its meaningless in expecting ur partner to be of ur kind,coz u cant hold their right hand in ur right hand, while walking together! THINK OVer..
Laugh like you have never cried, play like you have never lost, love like you have never been hurt & live like there is no mrng
No1 will manufacture a lock without a key.Similarly,God won't give problems without Solutions..So never Worry. Efforts always Succeed!gm mrng
Belief is the most powrful tool against trials. The most effectve medcine against doubt & the most valuable gift to someone we care for..GD MRNG
Its easy to convince one who is in anger but its not easy to compromise one who is disappointed. Never disappoint a person who cares about U. Good mrng
When you fight, fight like a lion. If you get hurt, fight like a wounded lion. The only losers in this world are the quitters." G M
What the word IMPOSSIBLE says I M Possible. So every thing which seems impossible is itself says that is mrng