God gives us a loving spirit so we can be better persons; not just gifted with a mind that understands but with a heart that truly cares. Good morning!
Be thankful 4 every morning u wake up to a brand new day of ur adventure in LIFE god knows how to make ur day right, Look up and say "God be my Guide."
We never have what we like, we never like what we have, still we live, love and hope that some day we will get what we love or love what we have. That"s Life...Good Morning"
Sky is so blue, I met sumone so true, Now d world seems sumthn new..! Sumone very special among a few,i m glad that god gifted me a sweet frnd lik U.Good mrng & good day
Search 4 truth and you shall find beauty, Search 4 beauty and you shall find love, Search for love and you shall find God, Search fo r God and you shall have them all.gd mrng
New day, new blessings. dont let yesterdays failures ruin d beauty of 2day. Blessings of God r new evry AM. 2day has its own promise of luv, 4givness, joy & success.