Love & FriendShip

Love & FriendShip
Love & FriendShip r walking in a Village... Love Falls into a well, Y? BCoz Love is Blind... Friendship also Jumps inside,Y? Bcz it never lets any1 Alone

Jan, 12 2012     153 chars (1 sms)     851 views       Friendship

more Friendship SMS Messages

A good friend is like a light house it doesn’t ring bells, fire guns to call attention when you are lost … it simply stands tall and shines
A frnd like U is a sweet gift, an emotional lift,a heart healer,a mood chiller,a gem so rare,an answered prayer,a happy mate..& offcourse for me a lucky fate..
Hi gud morning TODAY is WoRLD YELLOW ROSE DAY. If U Luv my Frndshp Give 1 mis call.snd tis 2 al UR FRNDS & see hw many Miscall U gt.
If friendship could be brought and sold like stocks and shares, then people who invested in you would be millionaires
Best frnds r lyk a pair of scissors, joint togthr, often go in opp dirctions, But they giv punishment to those who come between them
If i could give u gift, my friend i would give u the gift 2 c urself as others c u. So u could know that how special and nice u r.
Beleive not only in yourself, but beleive in your friends as well for it is in the eye"s of your friends that you discover yourself."
Smile is a Book, I give YOU Library;IF Care is a sim, I give YOU talktime;IF Love is Bike, I give YOU Petrol;IF Frndship is Life, I give YOU My Self.
i made a list of special ppl in my life with pencil,but when i reached ur name i used pen bcoz i decided to keep u forever as my sweet friend.
I've nothing to offer so it's love I'm going to send. It's nothing that I've borrowed, nor nothing that I'd lend. This love that I send comes with my Lifetime Guarantee.
Once u miss, u can't join, that is love...Once u join, u can't miss, that is friendship...Keep in touch always.
Sum1 Asked Me 2 Discribe U In 1 Sentence.. . . I Said- "Individual That Makes Place In Others Heart Widout Knocking It"