TIME TO SLEEP LyinG oN mY BeD, LoOkiN @ ThE CloCk, I nOe tAt iTs timE 2 zzz. I WonDeR HoW hAv U bEEn todaY... HopE Tat EveryTHinG is FInE.. WiSh u sweeT dReaMz n Sleep TiGhT!

Jan, 16 2012     174 chars (2 sms)     839 views       Greeting > Good Night

more Good Night SMS Messages

We Meet 2 create Memories &We Depart to Preserve them. To Meet & Depart is way of Life, But to Depart & Meet is HOPE of Life.GN
Hal kaysa hai Janab ka, Kya khayal hai aap ka, Hum to Sou gaye ho ho ho. Tum bhi Sou jawo ha ha ha. Good Night!!
Evry Nite same wishes n u r bored of dem... Let it b diff dis time... Let d devils guard u... Mumies dance around u... & Vampires kiss u Hav a Horrorful night..
Ho Gyi Hai Ab Tø Black Black NiGHT, Ab Band Bhi kar Do White White LiGHT, Sweet Sweet Sapno ki Pakarlø Tum FLiGHT. Oh! My Dear GooD GooD NiGHT
Every night when I look at the moon, it reminds me of u! It makes me sometimes sad becoz I can see the moon, but I cant see u! Gud nite
Dream is a passion where we can rule the world of our own! Dream is a gift of God where we can enjoy everythng! Have A Sweet Dreams!
Which is More Painful?When a person Whom U TRUSTED Hurts you, Or The person Whom you HURTED still trusts you ! Keep thinking…GD NIGHT
You are my air The sun in my day The moon in my night The spring in my step you are my everything. Good Night
God plz grant me the calmness to accept the thngs I cant change, the courage to change thngs I can and wisdom to knw the difrnce b/w these two.GD NITE
Talk happiness. Talk faith. Talk health. Say you are well, and all is well with you, and God shall hear your words and make them true. Gud Evng friends!
Life is hard but He provides. Life is unpredictable but He guides. Life is unfair but He cares. Life is always a challenge but He watches over us. Good evening!
You are the reason why I have sleepless nights. You are the reason why I tend to hold my pillow tight. And you are the reason I can't sleep without saying goodnight