Sweet is ur nature Dear is ur name, My Dear friend, U will always remain. As Earth wants water, Flower wants dew,I want nothing but happiness 4U. Gud nigt
wish i was ur blanket,i wish i was ur bed, i wish i was ur pillow underneath ur head,i wanna b around u,i wanna hold u tight, & b the lucky person who kisses u goodnite
Close ur eyes.. save all the sweet memories in ur heart,think of all the beautiful things in ur life... & surrender ur self to sweet dreams, good night.
Dreams r the best part of life. If u miss sleep.. U miss the best part of life.. So its already late.. Go to bed & catch a very good sleep Good Night ..
ThinGs 2 TaKe NoTe WheN u SleeP: 1st-MiSS Me, 2nd-ThInk oF Me, 3rd-HuG Me, 4th-LoVE mE. TrY 2 SlEEp NoW & ClOSe Ur EyeS. Get PrePaReD 2 DrEaM oF mE! Gd NiTe!