Night doesn"t become

Night doesn"t become
Night doesn"t become beautiful with star studded sky & full moon, It becomes beautiful when u go to sleep & Let stars & moon admire ur innocence. Gd Ni8"

Jan, 16 2012     153 chars (1 sms)     783 views       Greeting > Good Night

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Darkness is every ware. the birds r back there home. road are quite every body is sleeping.but i m not u know y? just wanted 2 say u good night
Keep d faith & drop d fear. Dnt belive ur doubts & dnt doubt ur beliefs,life is a mystery 2 solv, nt a problem 2 resolve.GD NITE
Another day ends and we look forward 2 a new daywith great anticipation.But a true friendship never ends whatever the passage of time.Good Night
Never Miss the First Opportunity, Because the Second Opportunity Will be Much More Difficult than First!.good night
Two ways to be happy in life:-Never give the help of tears to your emotions.and-Never give the help of words to your anger..Gud nite
A strong positive attitude creates more miracles than any other thing because life is 10% how u make it & 90% how u take it.gud NITE
Hi had ur dinnerGo 2 bed fastBecause something is waiting 4 uDo u know what is tha?Sweet dreams Gud nite
Thoughts lead us on a discovery trail We only direct our thoughts through our expectations2 discover either possibilities OR impossibilities.GD NITE
No matter the sky is black or blue, no matter there's stars or moon, as long as ur heart is true, sweet dreams will always be wif u. Gd Nite!
Whenever i miss my U I wont luk 4u in ma dreams Or try 2 hear ur voice in ur messages. I wil jus put my hand across my chest n feel you..hav a nice night..
Begin the day with a light heart. Let all your worries be swept aside at night. Smile a moment and thank God, for every moment He cares for you all the way. Good Night.
"Fallen flowers cant climb back" So don’t think about the past.. Love the present. Live for the future with a Beautiful & Sweet Smile. Good NIGHT