Life is like a MOVIE…

Life is like a MOVIE…
Life is like a MOVIE… If u r sad – DRAMA, If u r afraid – SUSPENSE, If u r angry – ACTION, When u Luk at the mirror – HORROR, Now u r smilling - that's COMEDY.GOOD NIGHT

Jan, 16 2012     169 chars (2 sms)     824 views       Greeting > Good Night

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The past is not in your hand The future is not in your hand But in present the Mobile is in your hand So please sms me... Good ni8..
Hi Moon!!Dim Ur Light...Hello Wind!!Breeze Soft..Hi Flower!!Blossom Slowly.Hello Earth!Spin Gently.Coz My Frnd Is Going 2 sleep.GoOd NiGhT..
Night is a wonderful opportunity to take rest, to forgive, to dream, to smile and to get ready for all the battle that you have to fight tomorrow. Good Night.
God has 4 gift for ua key for every problema light for every shadowa plan for every tomorrow&a joy for every sorrow.GN
The devils shadow once covered the angel of god.the angel said"oh evil shadow the day is not far when u will see heavens light with all its might,but for now goodnite"!
Enjoy the littlethings in life,for one day you maylook backand realize they werethe big things,that you missed toEnjoy.GD NITE
Four things Never come back:The spoken Word,The wasted Time,The Past Life &The Neglected Opportunity..!So"Think Twice, Act Wise".GD NITE
If every raindrop wud b one of ur smile.. i wish that it rains heavily through out.. so that there is no space for tears in ur life....God Bless u..G'nite.
Hv u evr thought while sleeping wht if the fan breaks & falls on ur head.Or Lizard climbs up ur bed & starts walking on ur neck or a green snake goes into ur nose or a cockroach goes through ur mouth & comes out through ur ears.anyhow sleep peacefully g'nite
when the MOON Winks at U tonight,I wish CHOCOLATY DREAMS embrace U tight.hope ur day was quite all right &I wish U a LOVELY GOOD NIGHT !!!
If I Had Three Wishes, I Would Give Away Two. Becoz The Only Thing I Want In This World.Is 1 Chance To Be With u..?Gud N8
Two ways to be happy in life:-Never give the help of tears to your emotions.and-Never give the help of words to your anger..Gud nite