Stars have settled&moon

Stars have settled&moon
Stars have settled&moon will shine!Frndship matures as a lovely wine!A very lovely nite 2 a frnd of mine!May Ur night be cool & Fine!!

Jan, 14 2012     134 chars (1 sms)     972 views       Greeting > Good Night

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"A life with love will have some thorns"but"A life without love will have no roses."So ''Love & be loved.''Gud Nite..
Four things Never come back:The spoken Word,The wasted Time,The Past Life &The Neglected Opportunity..!So"Think Twice, Act Wise".GD NITE
Dream a dream 2nite as u a smile 2morrow that u may keep.may all of ur dreams and wishes come true cause i could`nt find a better friend like u!
Think your eyes are tired looking at this world reflecting through light! Let your eye lashes hug each other for few hours. Happy journey into the world of sweet dreams! Good Night
Since ur eyes are looking tired Let ur eye lashes hug each other4few hours Happy journey into the world of dreams . Good night.:
"Fallen flowers cant climb back" So don’t think about the past.. Love the present. Live for the future with a Beautiful & Sweet Smile. Good NIGHT
Every Successful Person has a Painful Story, Every Painful Story has a Successful Ending. Accept the Pain,& Get Ready for your success....Gud n8...
A little difference between PROMISES and MEMORIES.****PROMISES: We break them,andMEMORIES: They break us!Gud nitE
Precious things r few One of them is U That's why "I MISS U" & if U want 2 know that how much I MISS U, then just C up in d sky & find where it ends.. Good night.
Thandi hawa kuch sapne la rahi hai, chandni aapka bistar saja rahi hai,ho jaiye aap bhi in me shamil ek pyari si neend aapko bula rahi hai.,
They say in boxing-To win,it does'nt matter how hard u punch.Wat actualy matters is how hard a punch u can take n continue fighting.Its d same wit LIFE!!:.GN
Beautiful night Nice breeze Calm atmospher All r going 2 sleep But U r reading my sms! So sweet! Go to sleep! Sweet dreams!