God has 4 gift for

God has 4 gift for
God has 4 gift for ua key for every problema light for every shadowa plan for every tomorrow&a joy for every sorrow.GN

Jan, 14 2012     118 chars (1 sms)     815 views       Greeting > Good Night

more Good Night SMS Messages

Keep d faith & drop d fear. Dnt belive ur doubts & dnt doubt ur beliefs,life is a mystery 2 solv, nt a problem 2 resolve.GD NITE
Hal kaysa hai Janab ka, Kya khayal hai aap ka, Hum to Sou gaye ho ho ho. Tum bhi Sou jawo ha ha ha. Good Night!!
The person who hates u thinks abt u double d times than d person who luvs u! So never mind if u r hated or loved. Be proud, u r remembered.GD NITE
Dreams are not those which are seen during Sleep... Dreams are those which will Never let U Sleep... So see the Dreams & Work hard to make them true...
We Work for Making a Better tomorrow But When tomorrow Comes,instead Of enjoying,we again Start Thinking for a Better tomorrow,That’s life.GD NIGHT
The day that I'll die, when death replaces birth, I'll recognize angels' faces, 'becoz I live with one on earth.gud nite
da starz r out, da moon is up, 1 more HUG, 1 more smile, KISS u once, KISS u twice, now itz time 4 bed. Close ur @@, n sleep tite!
Wonderfull Air! Beautifull Moon! Shining Stars! Excellent Dream! these all are Waiting in ur Door.They want to say Gud N8 with sweet dreams..
More than anything else, I believe it's our decisions,not the conditions of our lives, that determine our destiny.GD NITE
Nobody teaches Sun to rise,Fish to swim,birds to fly,Plant to grow,Child to cry,& Nobody teaches a heart to choose a friend like U....Good Night...
Think twice b4 leaving a space in someone's heart,Bcoz its difficult to realize the pain when you see someone else filling up your space..Gud NITE
Step by step, the journey goes on.Little by little it may seem so long.The things we learnwill keep us on.With faith in God He'll keep us strong.gud nite