Always Remember how

Always Remember how
Always Remember how beautifully God added one more DAY in your life... Not because you NEED it... but SOMEONE else needs u.Gud nite

Jan, 14 2012     131 chars (1 sms)     780 views       Greeting > Good Night

more Good Night SMS Messages

Dream a dream 2nite as u a smile 2morrow that u may keep.may all of ur dreams and wishes come true cause i could`nt find a better friend like u!
Here Are 1000 Smiles For U,Take One Now.Put The Other 999 Under Your Pillow And Whenever U Need One,Feel Free To Take One, Just Remember It's FROM nite
Precious things r few One of them is U That's why "I MISS U" & if U want 2 know that how much I MISS U, then just C up in d sky & find where it ends.. Good night.
4 A Nice Frnd Nice Night4 A Sweet Frnd Sweet Night4 A Loving Frnd Lovly Night4 A Heartly Frnd Hertly Night4 A Good Frnd "Good Night"
Loved once are Like Street Lights Along The Road They Don’t Make The Distance Any Shorter But They Light Up The Path & Make The Walk Worthwhile.Good Night
Tireness draws across the mind making the body fade flexibility and soon windows of soul begin 2 close N enter the dreamland!! Sweet Dreams!
My msg may b latebut it wil b sweetit may b short,but it wil b cute my msg may not have perfection......But it will hav afection....... G'Nite.
Under d sky so blue, i met sum 1 so true ,now d world seems sumthing new!sum1 vry special among a few, m realy glad tht ALLAH gifted me a friend like u.GuD NitE
If URDEPRESSED, CONFUSED or HURT,don’t worry.Go in front of the mirror,You'll find the best personwho will solve ur problemTrust Urself.GD NITE
Black Sky With Solo Moon With Millions Of Stars Brings U A Silent Hours 2take A Nice Rest.. Enjoy D Whole Night.. Gud Ni8 Sweet Dreams
Stars light Stars bright u're the only Star I see tonite. I wish I may. I wish I might be there guarding ur dreams tonite, gd nite sweet dreams
Sending u MY BED 2 let u rest Sending you MY BED 2 let you rest, Pillows 2 give you COMFORT, and MY BLANKET 2 keep you warm. Sweet dreams, Goodnite! Sleep tight.