moon givs sweet night night givs sweet sleep sleep givs sweetdreams "in dreams my sweet friend givs sweetsmile.gudnight. have a nice sleep.good night "
Don let little things get you down. You have got many big reasons to look up to God and say thanks tonight. Tomorrow, its going to be a great day.Good Night
For all the friendship u share, for all the ways u care, for all the times u are there , u r special n beyond compare... Jst wanna say take care..Gud nyt.
Am sending a pillow of happy thoughts to create wonderful dreams,a blanket of care to keep you blessed in life and a prayer to protect you always.Good night!
When Sumbody's Heart Hurts.It Doesnt make Any Sound But d Reflection Can b Seen in d Eyes Of The Person. So Watch d Eyes They Silently Speak a lot....GN