Never be like the hand that

Never be like the hand that
Never be like the hand that crushed theflower but be like a crushed flower which leaves fragrances in the hands who crushes it. BEST WISHES

Jan, 14 2012     139 chars (1 sms)     757 views       Greeting > Best Wishes

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Care for the one who shares with u, share with the one who knows u, know the one who MISSES u, MISS the one who WELL WISHES for u, Wish u all the Best
A fulfiling future belongs 2 those wit strong vision and resilence.It doesn’t matter where U might be now.Starting well n finishing strong is what best wishes
Life gives answer in 3 ways... It says Yes & gives u what u want, it says no and gives u something better, it says wait and gives u the Best! My best wishes
Dont get rest after a success. People say ur previous victory as a luck in ur next failure.. Keep on working.. success is always best wishes
An icing can make a cake so sweet, A string can make a balloon so high, A matches can make a candle so bright, i hope that my simple hi can make you smile and wishes
Success is like tip of the tail !!!If cat runs to catch the tail.It has to keep running forever.But if it walks in its own style.Tail follows!!Live life with ur own rules….my best wishes
Never mind thatwhat others do,Do bettr than urself,Beat ur own records every day & aim for a better Tomorrow, then Success will chase U!BEST WISHES
If u fall,don’t see the place where u fell,but, see the place where u slipped "That’s the way to be successful person.MY BEST WISHES
With my 1 Heart... 2 eyes... 5 litre blood... 206 bones... 1.2million Red Cells... 60 trillion D.N.A.'s... I wish u "All the very best of LUCK"...
GOLDEN WORDS by MARTIN LUTHER KING : If u can't fly, run. If u can't run, walk. If u can't walk, crawl.But whatever u do, keep on moving towards ur goal.BEST WISHES
Care for the one who shares with u, share with the one who knows u, know the one who MISSES u, MISS the one who WELL WISHES for u, Wish u all the Best
Whatever we do, we must remember our aim at evry moment . If you dream to fly with eagles, don't waste time In swimming with ducks.