Where r u? U r u not replying? I m worried coz todays paper I read that due 2 thunder a monkey has been severely injured. So if u r safe, SMS me immediately.
Imp of thumb:Babies use it 4 chewing..Illiterate Ppl use it 4sign..Winners use it 4 victory..&my fans use it 4 readng my msgs..Oh..u too..??Crazy fans!
Never expect things to happen… Struggle and make them happen… Never expect you to be given a good value… Create a value of your own u have! Don’t under estimate yourself, You are worth more than anything in this world! Be cheerfull & Live life to the fullest dear…
SmS-Ke-5 Fayde1-Mobile ko junk nahi lagta2-Time Pass hota hai 3-Jise SmS karo wo khush Hota hai 4-Contact Bana Rahta hai 5-Koi apko Kanjus Nahi Kahta hai
Kiki kuku kikiki kukuku kikiku kukiki kukuki kurCongrats U have Learnt MONKEY language successfully.Plz Come and collect ur disti certificate+ Free banana
If you eve want 2 suceed in your life, be sweet as Honey, Be regular as Clock .......... .be fresh as rose, Be soft as Tissue, Be strong as Rock and be good as !!!!me.....