Heart never hate

Heart never hate
Heart never hate blood. Fish never hate water. Flower never hate honey. Earth never hate rain. My heart never hate U & U FRIENDSHIP!

Jan, 12 2012     132 chars (1 sms)     1128 views       Friendship

more Friendship SMS Messages

If u doubt our friendship, take a COIN and put TOSS. If it is HEAD then You are my friend. If it is TAIL then I am your friend.
Seconds of introduction..Minutes of discussion..Hours of attraction..Days of interaction..Years of satisfaction..Makes freindship a strong construction…
When i saw u, i was afraid 2 meet u, when i met u, i was afraid 2 know u, when i know u, i was afraid 2 like u, and now that i like u, i m afraid 2 loose u.
Every morning when I open my eyes I pray to God that everyone should have a friend like u.Why should only I suffer!
Deep valleys, covered rocks, 3 little words, Forget Me Not.
Sweetheart is a special word for Love,Love is a special word for Care,Care is a Special word for friend,And the Friend is a special word for U...
Your smile is my sunrise, your kiss is my sunset. Thank you for being the most wonderful friend and companion.
Two hearts make frienship, many hearts try to break that friendship, but making or breaking depends on the level which that two hearts beats for each other.
Death-where life end hate-where love end divorce- whr maraige end ocean-whr land end frndshp- whr 'i' end 'we' begin.
When god made parts, he thought of hearts. And for each heart a sweetheart. And among those sweethearts he made 1 sweetest heart, And That's Ur's.
Golden words for lifetime:"Go 2 help ur frnd in problem witout invitation" AND"Don't go 2 ur frnd in happines witout invitation"
No one in this world is rich enough to buy his own childhood and youth back..However friends help recreate those moments from time to time at no cost...