There are 2

There are 2
There are 2 things in life that r very painful one is when ur love loves you and doesn’t tell you second when ur love doesn’t love you and tells you.

Feb, 18 2012     150 chars (1 sms)     864 views       Love

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I would give up happines to never see you sad, I would give up eternity to be with you always, I would give up my life so that yours would be new... I'd give up everything... except you...
i wndr y d strs stl shyn evn f im sad.``i wndr y d birds stl fly evn f i cry.``i wndr y d sun stl smyls evn f im blu.``myb bcz d wrld's telin me i stl hv u.
If someone throws a stone towards you, throw love towards him but if someone throw love towards you, then sit for a while & think becoz love hurts more than stone.
ABC-Always Be Careful DEF-Don't Ever Forget JKLM-Just Keep Loving Me NOPQRSTUVW-No Other Person Quite Right Shall Treat U Very Well
why say HI! if u mean I MISS U.. why say LET'S GO! if u mean I WANT 2 B W/ U.. why say STAY! if u can say B WITH ME... and why say I CARE wen ur heart says I LUV U!
My pen is blue, My ink is blue, My love is for one, Only for you. How can u tell rain not to fall, when cloud exists How can u tell leaves not to fall, when wind exists How can u tell me not to fall in love When u exists.
Weve gone our own way, our lives grew apart, & weve made a life wiv another, but despite of how far apart we grew, 2 me there still is no other!
Wats LOVE?Those Who Dnt Knw,Cal It RESPONSIBILITY.Those Who Play,Cal It a GAME.Those Who Dnt Have It, Cal It DREAM.Those Who Undstnd,Cal It LIFE.UR MY LIFE
2TeAr Drop wer Flowing down d River1sAid 2d othr,I'm d teAr drop of Guy who Lovd & nvr ExprsdWho r u?Im d teAr drop of d gAl who wAs Wi8n 4him...
Whenever I sit alone Ijust look at my hand, its criss cross line & wonder! which special line made me so lucky 2to get GF like u. U.... R ....SO.... SPECIAL 4 ME! I ....LUV .... U.... SO ....MUCH.
Let d world stop turning, Let d sun stop burning, Let dem tell me loves not worth going through. If it all falls apart, I will know deep in my heart, The only dream dat mattered had come true, In dis life I was loved by U......
Saying i luv u is important, but not enuf. Love is a verb, an action word. Sumtyms passive because it happens to us but also active because we choose to do it.