2day i'll lose

2day i'll lose
2day i'll lose somethng!2morrw i can get anythng!But i never lose & ever get one thing.That is ur FRNDSHP!Keep in touch alwys!

Jan, 12 2012     126 chars (1 sms)     876 views       Friendship

more Friendship SMS Messages

I cant find a reason,why God introduced u to me?But thats not the Que to be asked,the Que is how did God know that I nided a frd like U.!
Life is 5 star!Mothr is top star!Father is king star!Teacher is ultimate star!Lover is action star!But a frnd is real stAR
FriendshipIs A Gift,That Is Fair In All Thingz.It Roots From One's Heart&Involves MemoriesThat Stay NotFor A WhileButFor A Lifetime.
thE tEst oF fRiEndsHip dOseN't cOmeS wHen u R 2GethEr. It cOmEs wHeN u ParT waYs & u ReaLizE tHat dEsPitE tHe dIsTanCe, thE fRiEndshIp iS sTilL tHeRe...
how are Aasmaan ke Taare Aksar Puchate hai Humse, Kya Tumhe Aaj bhi Intzaar hai Uske Laut aane ka...Aur Ye Dil Muskurake Kehta Hai, Mujhr Abb Tak Yakin nahi hua Uske jane ka !!
Life is a train Love is a wine Wife is a pain Family is a chain Xperiens is a gain. Knowledge is a brain. BUT GOOD FRIENDSHIP IS A MAIN.
Friendship is big like UNIVERS,Deep like OCEAN,High like SKY,Strong like ROCK,Kind like MOTHER,Cute like ME and sweet like U....
Aik Do Teen Char Aoo Mil Ke Baithain Yar Panch Chay Saat Suno Hamari Baat Aat Noo Das Baat Hamari Bus Uff ! Itnay Baray Ho Ke Bachoo Ki Poem Parh Rahay Ho
Rose born for beauty , Jasmine born for Smell , You born for Smile , I born for See you ,but We 2 born for lovely FRIENDSHIP
once love and friendship meet. Love asked to friendship that why do u exist when i am there. Friendship said that to spread happiness where you leave Tears.
To begin wid v might hav been strangers; but d closer v came, more v started realising dat not only luv but even friends r decided in heaven.
If i get ur smile,i dont need flowers,if i hear ur voice i dont need music,if u speak to me i dont need anybody,if u r my friend i dont need the word "miss u "