Frndship dsnt get

Frndship dsnt get
Frndship dsnt get closr by meeting bt is Ãnly sweetnd by thought. I care 4 u in my own strong ways, u will nevr know & perhaps i'll nvr show.

Jan, 13 2012     141 chars (1 sms)     908 views       Friendship

more Friendship SMS Messages

I admit I'll never be the perfect friend. I'll never be there always. I may not make you smile at times but there is one thing I admit I could do. To be the person I could be for you.
Every garden must have a red rose, every sweet face must have a red cheeks and a good nose, every grass must have a dew, and evey person must have a friend like you.
This message has no fat, no cholesterol and no additive. This is all natural except, with a lot of sugar. But it can never be as sweet as the one reading it. Smile!
A gud Frnd come 2 Visit u in d hospital wid flowers n goesbt a true frnd sit near u n says:buddy nurse is so HOT take ur time to get well.
Time might lead me to nowhere; Fate might break me apart; I'll always be thankful that once, along my life's journey I found a friend like U...
Birth is Once... Youth is Once... Death is Once... Love is Once... Marriage is Once... But.. FRIENDSHIP is "runs" for ever...Good Day""
A deep friendship is like a rainbow. When the perfect amounts of happiness & tears are mixed, the result is a colorful bridge between two hearts.
Medicines and friendships cure our problems. The only difference is that friendships don't have an expiry date.
True friends never leave each other. True friends never part. They just sometimes sit silently, deep in each others HEART saying………I am still here.
Apples are red, Sky is blue, friends like you, are very frw.
"I checked my pocket,I found nothing,I checked my wallet,i found few coins,Then i checked my heart,I found u & then i realised how RICH i am havin U.
Dil se liya 1st D Love se liya 2nd O Rose se liya 3rd S Geet se liya 4th T Sathi se liya 5th I To laisi lagi hamari DOSTI!!