Friendship SMS Messages1128 messages

"The ball can Escape from Bat....,The Rat can Escape from cat.... But you cannot Escape from my Heart...always You are my Sweet friend."
"A frnd who Loves u d most sometimes hurts u d most"But then AgAin..He is the only 1 who misses u d most..So never leAve ur frnd 4 ny sake..!!
First we never knew each other, but good time brought us together.We may or may not meet each other, but let us try not to forget forever.
Wrong or wright, Iam very straight. Milk is white. Stars r bright. Everest is height. U & ME can fight but our Friendship is Tight
Evn if ur SMS is nt cumin,I think ur Sndin bt its UndelivrdEvn if ur nt cAllin I think ur Tryin bt my ntwrk is BUSYBcz trust is ImportAnt in FrndSh
Life is just like a cloud.We are moving without end.Nothing stays with us. What remains with us are memories of good times spent with our beloved ones.
Smile is a Book, I give YOU Library;IF Care is a sim, I give YOU talktime;IF Love is Bike, I give YOU Petrol;IF Frndship is Life, I give YOU My Self.
It began as all fires do A spark soon ignitd into a blaze of warmth & colouful deligh Tu held my hand becme my frnd & nw my future is bright
The best things in life can never be kept; They must be given away. A Smile A Kiss and Love.. *Thank u all 4 great support.
The feeling of friendship starts from the eyes.If u try to close ur eyes Friendship turns into a drop of tear & remains in ur heart 4ever.
A gud heart & gud nature r 2 difrnt things.A gud heart cn win many relationships but a gud nature cn win n sustain life-long relationship!
Best Friends r like beautiful street lamps...They may not make the distance shorter,but they light up your path & make the journey easier.