The film revolves around a group of talented friends, whose lives undergo a complete change with the arrival of a new student... Khushi (Rinke Khanna). The friends Sids or Siddhant (Dino Morea), Bharg...
Wealthy Seth Amirchand (Kader Khan) has two problems, namely his two good-for-nothing sons, Sonu (Sanjay Dutt), and Monu (Govinda). Their time is mainly spent on comically attempting to extort money f...
Do-gooder Deepak Rai (Sanjay Kapoor) comes across a stolen purse that contains education certificates belonging to a woman named Aarthi. He mails them to her and they start a correspondence. Even thou...
Prem and Pooja lead an ever so normal rich life. Pooja who is busy, with her 2 adorable kids and Prem's mom, neglects her man. A gorgeous model, Roopali , enters Prem's life to revive him of his ever ...
A zamindar and his family called "The Sooryavansh family" of Bharathpur village has a God like image among the villagers. This generation is headed by Thakur Bhanupratap Singh. He has 3 sons, the youn...
Deva's good deeds and actions are generally misunderstood by a lot of people including Jaswant; and his deeds are also deliberately twisted by his enemies including Choudhury.
Hogi Pyar Ki Jeet Story is a Surjit finds out that his sister is in love with Manjit Singh the younger brother of Thakur Gajendra Singh. When his sister gets pregnant, Surjit goes to Thakurs house in ...
As underworld godfather Baba is dying, he makes a last request to his head bodyguard Balraj to protect Nihal, the godfather's son. Years later, Balraj sees a young man named Raj successfully fight off...
Naive Raja is employed as a lowly waiter in a hotel. One day he serves and looks after a wealthy businessman K.K., who lends him a suit, and gives him some money, so that he could find a rich woman to...
Naive Raja is employed as a lowly waiter in a hotel. One day he serves and looks after a wealthy businessman K.K., who lends him a suit, and gives him some money, so that he could find a rich woman to...
Vanshika Mathur (Karishma Kapoor), an orphan who lives with her aunt (Aroona Irani), is a simple middle class girl desperately in search of a job. Eventually she gets a job with Mr. Sinha (Alok Nath),...
News Reporter Payal (Twinkle Khanna) and her camera-man have been assigned the task of interviewing the world's highest ranking criminal don, Devraj (Akshay Kumar), which they accept. In the process, ...
Blackmail | |
Khamoshi | |
Fraud Saiyaan | |
Tanhaji – The Unsung Warrior | |
Leader | |
Hope Aur Hum | |
Judgemental Hai Kya | |
Super 30 | |
Bharat | |
De De Pyaar De |