Here is another Indian that also closely resembles another Hollywood movie. This story revolves around the lives of two look-alike sisters, who are brought up separately by their estranged parents, wh...
ACP Arjun Singh (Om Puri) and his brother-in-law, Tayaji (Dara Singh) are with the police force but when Tayaji is killed on duty Arjun's family are devastated by his death. His wife Rukmani (Farida J...
Bombay Girls story is a Three girls set out to seek diverse careers. One finds tragic success as a movie actress and has an affair with her boyfriend's dad. Shakti Kapoor plays movie maker Chitrasen, ...
A devout but a very naive Muslim youth Banne (Ashish Kaul) leaves his home-land to go to the City to live with Shakeel (vikas Anand), and his beautiful daughter Sabha (Juni). He expects to be pampered...
The film begins with Riyaz (Rajat Kapoor), Zubeida's son setting out to research her life, and to meet the people who knew her. The story is thus told in the form of memories/reminiscences. Zubeida is...
Shyam Prasad Bharadwaj is a wealthy worldwide businessman. He has an only daughter named Ritu, of whom he would like to marry off one day. While in Canada a stalker attempts to kill Bharadwaj, and he ...
Siddhant Rai is a single father, looking after three young children. All four of them live a wealthy and comfortable lifestyle, which changes suddenly when Siddhant passes away after a car accident. S...
Shoba T. Mathur works for the Central Government in India and her job is to create awareness against child-marriage and other social evils that prevail due to general misinterpretation of the Hindu Sh...
A serious accident took place in Bombay, India, which involves Abbas Khan parents, as a result of which they passed away, leaving all the properties and estate for Abbas Khan to inherit. The police fe...
Romesh Bhagwat Dogra alias Mamu (Irfan Khan) is the underworld don of Bombay, with unlimited contacts, and many judges, and almost the entire police force under his corrupt control. He comes across a ...
Gaja Gamini, the embodiment of the Indian spirit, inspires artists of all kinds, interacts with and influences the West, and exists through the ages. Made in a mold very similar to that of V. Shantara...
Blackmail | |
Khamoshi | |
Fraud Saiyaan | |
Tanhaji – The Unsung Warrior | |
Leader | |
Hope Aur Hum | |
Judgemental Hai Kya | |
Super 30 | |
Bharat | |
De De Pyaar De |