Simran is an upcoming Indian Bollywood drama film directed by Hansal Mehta which features Kangana Ranaut in the lead role. The film story is - Simran, a young Gujarati girl, who works as a housekeeper...
Sachin: A Billion Dreams is an upcoming 2017 Indian biographical film written and directed by James Erskine and produced by Ravi Bhagchandka and Carnival Motion Pictures under 200 NotOut Productions. ...
Shirin Sonarika Bhadoria is a singer at one of the best clubs in Mauritius. Her beauty invariably gets a lot of visitors interested in her. However Shirin never meets anyone and rather mysteriously di...
San'75 Panchattar is a period thriller. The film's plot revolves around a deal of the first mobile phone (prototype) in India, initiated by Prince, which arrives from Germany. This deal is of a great ...
A story of an extraordinary man in an extra ordinary circumstance. Young, cool, contemporary, dext, swift, foolish, Shivaay is a Himalayan mountaineer who is an innocent everyman and yet is capable of...
Saat Uchakkey is a comedy about seven thieves who are proud of their profession, and the complications they get into.
This is a road movie that revolves around two young boys who are chasing their dreams. They take a journey from Kashmir to Goa along with several strangers.
Sultan is a story of Sultan Ali Khan a local wrestling champion with the world at his feet as he dreams of representing India at the Olympics. It is a story of Aarfa - a feisty young girl from the sam...
Shorgul is a political drama, wherein an innocent friendship between a Hindu boy and a Muslim girl rapidly escalates into a political minefield, causing unrest and chaos in the state. Chaudhry, is a j...
Blackmail | |
Khamoshi | |
Fraud Saiyaan | |
Tanhaji – The Unsung Warrior | |
Leader | |
Hope Aur Hum | |
Judgemental Hai Kya | |
Super 30 | |
Bharat | |
De De Pyaar De |