Sarhad Paar examines the connection between a brother and his sister. Major Ranjeet Singh (Sanjay Dutt) crosses the border between India and Pakistan chasing a terror suspect Bhaktawar (Rahul Dev). He...
The plot of "Swami" revolves around a common man's story. The title is based on the name of the main protagonist in the movie, Swami (Manoj Bajpai). The story throws light on day-to-day life of a comm...
Shakalaka Boom Boom follows the tale of a jealous, selfish and greedy music artist, AJ (Bobby Deol). AJ is one of the finest music artists in the industry, and is currently under a stop since he can't...
On a calm summer day in 1991, in the bustling Lokhandwala Complex, five criminals including Maya and Dilip were counting 70 lakhs in flat no. 32 B, when 286 policemen, headed by ACP Khan, took strateg...
The story begins with introducing the four boys Viru, Mahi, Shakeel and Guri and their milieu and how they fight their circumstances and lack of resources to pursue their fervor for Cricket. From here...
Story 1: Kamini and Rahul Born in Dehra Dun, temperamental and ambitious Kamna changes her name to Kamini Ranawat (Priyanka Chopra), hires Babu (Tinnu Anand) as her manager and becomes one of the most...
The film begins with the brutal murder of a Mumbai man named John by a group of Gangsters led by ruthless Kingpin Bappu Ganesh (Upendra Limaye) who terrorizes the slums of Mumbai striking fear into th...
It was love at first sight for unemployed Ashish Khanna and Rani Bhalla at a cold drink stall. When Rani introduces Ashish to her businessman dad, Tau, and mom, they unanimously frown upon this allian...
Ayaan lives a very wealthy lifestyle with his married brother, Karan and his wife, Anju; a younger sister, Yamini, and brother, Rahul; his mom, and grandma; and runs a garage. One day he meets with be...
Saawan... The Love Season tells the story of a couple, Raj (Kapil Jhaveri) and Kajal (Saloni Aswani). They get married, and when they come back from their Honeymoon in Patiala, Kajal finds a man who p...
After the accidental death of her lover, Mitali gets married to wealthy widower Ranbeer Singh who lives in a palace in Rajasthan, India, along with his daughter, Sapna. The trio settle down in a harmo...
Rohit (Sameer Aftab) is an aspiring singer, who has a great voice and wants to make it big. He comes to Mumbai for the same, where he meets Gauri Shankar (Mithun Chakravarthy) who happens to be from R...
Blackmail | |
Khamoshi | |
Fraud Saiyaan | |
Tanhaji – The Unsung Warrior | |
Leader | |
Hope Aur Hum | |
Judgemental Hai Kya | |
Super 30 | |
Bharat | |
De De Pyaar De |