In the first of its kind endeavour, a popular Bollywood movie is now being leveraged onto a television entertainment channel via animated spin-off movies. Cartoon Network, Film Kraft Productions and T...
Filmmaker Rakesh Roshan’s Filmkraft Productions has partnered with Turner International India and Kerala-headquartered Toonz Animation to create four animated movies based on the Bollywood movie...
Actress and part-time singer Priyanka Chopra has always idolized Alisha Chinai. And the vocally generous soul that she is, Priyanka has never made any bones of her unabashed hero-worship of Alisha'...
Filmmaker Rakesh Roshan who completes 25 years as a director in the industry this year, reveals that being able to make Krrish 3 which is actually India’s first real sequel series — has be...
Filmmaker Rakesh Roshan has completed more than four decades in the industry, but it’s his turn as a director 25 years ago that has been more defining for him. What makes it all the more special...
This year will see Rakesh Roshan completing three decades in film production and 25 years of directing in Bollywood. He started his career as an actor making his debut in the 1970 film Ghar Ghar Ki Ka...
Filmmaker Rakesh Roshan is currently working on his upcoming film ‘Krrish 3’, which is a sequel to ‘Krrish’. The much-anticipated superhero science fiction film is scheduled to...