As soon as Amitabh Bachchan revealed the news of daughter in law Aishwarya Rai Bachchan's pregnancy, wishes started to pour out for the family. Deepika Padukone too tweeted her wishes. '@junio...
Too much work and no fun seems to have stressed our Bollywood stars lately. Most of them are off to various exotic locations with their loved ones. They also seem to have planned their overseas shoots...
Frenzied scenes were witnessed at Toronto's Pearson International Airport Tuesday when Bollywood stars started descending here for the International Indian Film Academy (IIFA) Awards June 25. Crow...
Rai is married to actor Abhishek, Mr Bachchan's son. This will be the couple's first baby. Often called the "queen of Bollywood", Rai, 37, married Bachchan in 2007, forging the ultim...
After giving back to back hits with 'Dabangg' and 'Ready', Salman Khan is trying his best to make his children film 'Chillar Party' tax free so that it is watched by everyone. ...
The IIFA awards, which kickstarts in Toronto from Thursday, will be missing some starry glitter this year with the absence of regulars like Bachchan family and Salman Khan. This will be the second tim...
After trying her hands in production with Love Breakup Zindagi, model turned actress Dia Mirza now wants to become a director. dia-mirza-wants-to-venture-into-direction She made her debut in 2009 with...
Amitabh later wrote that the news had only just been confirmed. Aishwarya and her husband, who attended this year's Oscar ceremony in Hollywood, are known as a 'super couple' in their nati...
MUMBAI: Red FM will run a contest to promote Amitabh Bachchan’s upcoming movie Bbuddah Hoga Tera Baap in Delhi and Mumbai. The contest in search of coolest Dads will run from 27 June to 2 July, ...
Hrithik Roshan has finally made his grand debut on television with the Dance reality show ‘Just Dance’ which has left not only the audiences but also the Bollywood celebs awestruck. Sonam ...