Actress Bipasha Basu was conspicuous by her absence on Sunday evening, as her co-stars of an upcoming film attended the red carpet premiere of MI-4 hosted by actor Anil Kapoor for Hollywood hottie Tom...
Hrithik Roshan, who plays a superhero in 'Krrish 2, has decided to help his father Rakesh Roshan in the direction department. Hrithik is now going to be the associate director of the film. This is...
The puffy reviews by critics are one thing, but what matters for an actor is how the aam janta reacts to their act. To see that first hand, Vidya Balan decided to watch The Dirty Picture incognito at ...
Actress Kareena Kapoor reveals that, though uncomfortable riding a bike, she enjoyed doing a stunt with Akshay Kumar in Kambakkht Ishq and the bike scene with her beau Saif Ali Khan in their forthcomi...
In a still deeply conservative country, the participation of an "adult" film star in one of India's most popular reality shows was always likely to boost ratings. Few, however, anticipat...
Exactly after a year, Ranveer Singh is returning with his second film 'Ladies vs Ricky Bahl' that is releasing Friday. He plays a charmer and one hopes he charms the audiences in the same mann...
Ranveer can’t contain his excitement when he talks about his role in the movie. He says, in the movie, he changes colours and the smooth operator in him is given his due. “This young guy i...
Former Australian cricketer Andrew Symonds, who was involved in an acrimonious spat with Indian off-spinner Harbhajan Singh after accusing the latter of racially abusing him, on Tuesday said the contr...
Buzz is that Andrew Symonds will enter the house this week only. He will be the second international celebrity in the house after the Indo-Canadian porn star Sunny Leone. Earlier, there were rumours t...
Bigg Boss’ is known for its controversies and time and again contestants taking part in the reality show have felt that it is scripted just after being evicted from the show. Not too long ago, v...