Story: The story revolves around an ambitious girl Gul (Udita Goswani). Her hunger for success makes her come to the city of dreams and follow a path which might not be the right one, but she doesn&rs...
Coming-of-age films have become the current craze in Bollywood. So after the recently released Ek Main Aur Ek Tu, Anu Menon makes his directorial debut with London Paris New York. For this genre, cert...
It's a fair bet that Republican presidential hopeful Rick Santorum would be awfully torn by the queasy capitalism behind the premise of the Bollywood romantic comedy "Jodi Breakers": An ...
The common man might have upgraded from newspapers to television and cinema. But his chronicle continues to remain common. In a country governed by corruption, the common man is still ruled by red-tap...
Agneepath is a story set in a village called Mandwa in the year, 1977, where a simple school teacher, Master Dinanath Chauhan, tries to bring about change among its people who treat him with the kind ...
The name, the man, the voice, the aura bears a lot of weight, the kind that's impossible to measure. Or live up to. A multitude of films, including Mukul S Anand's Agneepath, celebrate this in...
This zippily edited sequel to a 2006 Indian hit is not the least bit coy about its intentions: the young criminal kingpin Don (Shah Rukh Khan, left) is back, and “now my target is Europe!”...
Three women lose quite a bit of money (and pride) to a dashing chameleon con artist in the Bollywood confection "Ladies vs. Ricky Bahl," a colorfully busy splash of romantic comedy nonsense ...
Lanka derives its gist from the Hindi adage 'ghar ka bhedi lanka dhae' that comes from the Indian epic Ramayana, which implies how your most trusted allies could be the ones to betray you (lik...
It is clear in the first 10 minutes of the film that in terms of acting you’re not getting anything at all from anyone. So you settle down for a good laugh and whatever little else that the movi...