Review: Ye Stupid Pyar can't get any more stupid

Posted In : Movie Reviews
(added 09 Dec 2011)

It is clear in the first 10 minutes of the film that in terms of acting you’re not getting anything at all from anyone. So you settle down for a good laugh and whatever little else that the movie will throw your way. But Ye stupid Pyar is not kind to anyone, it is bad throughout and leaves you emotionally scarred.

Review: Ye Stupid Pyar can't get any more stupid

Now before we get into anything else let’s get the “story” out of the way (it has to be done). Abhishek (Jatin Khurana) back from his high profile MNC job in US for two weeks meets salsa instructor Neha (Noopur Patwardhan) at a gym. It’s love at first sight for him. They soon get married and plan to move to America. But Neha emotionally blackmails him into moving to Bangkok instead. Once they reach Bangkok Neha leaves Abhishek for her boyfriend (at this point you cross your fingers and wish “Oh lord let this be it. Let the movie end here”). A heartbroken Abhishek goes on to take help from his college best friend Simran (Akansha Shivhare) to find the run-away bride.

The biggest question here is, why did she need to marry someone at all in order to get to Bangkok? If the plan was to run away all along then why not straight from home? Bollywood has gone back to the dark ages if such films are still being made. As far as casting is concerned, Jatin and Noopur have no acting skills to speak of and the only person who shows even an ounce of potential is Akansha. Sahil Vaid as Multiplex...well let’s just say the whole tradition of bringing in a character to just provide the audience with some comic relief went out of fashion some time ago, and for a reason.

The dialogues and the dialogue delivery, both, are laughable and can be best described as “cheesy”. Every time Jatin goes “oh mom” with love and emotion you want to hit yourself on the head with something heavy because even that would be less painful. The scene where the lead couple gets “drunk” is worth a mention. Their slurred speech and drunken talk is fake to the point of being sad. Clearly neither of them has ever even touched alcohol.

The film also fails cinematographically. There are too many shots that are out of focus and grainy to be allowed. Even the dubbing is inconsistent. This film’s sole aim was to launch Jatin and Noopur as actors but this specific enterprise will hardly do much for their careers. The failure of Ye Stupid Pyar cannot be blamed on just the lead pair, which would be a wee bit unfair. It was a team effort.

(added 09 Dec 2011) / 1154 views

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