On Friday, Shah Rukh Khan said he felt happy to start work with veteran filmmaker Yash Chopra. He was referring to the new film from Yash Raj Films which pairs him opposite Katrina Kaif for the first ...
Television actress Juhi Parmar has won the reality show Bigg Boss. Juhi competed against Amar Upadhyay, Mahek Chahal, Sidharth Bhardwaj and Akashdeep Saigal in the last leg of the fifth edition of the...
Everyone knows the fact that Tabu is very choosy when it comes to selecting her roles. She only picks up roles that strike her at the very first reading of the script. And this time round, Tabu will b...
Bindra approached the Malad police on Saturday with the complaint that she has been getting threatening phone calls from an international number. According to the police, an unidentified caller has us...
Critics seem to underestimate the genius of Abbas-Mustan or even Farhan Akhtar who came out with a similar film a fortnight ago. Decades from now, they will be hailed as the founding fathers of the Bo...
Vidya Balan recently brought in her 33rd birthday at home with her beau Siddharth Roy Kapoor and family. She recently returned after a two-week vacation abroad with Sid. So is marriage on her mind now...
He is the boy in an industry full of men. In no hurry to develop a six-pack and pick up the gun, Imran is happy with chocolates for now. “Action is for slightly older guys. Right now I am asked ...
In an interview with a news agency, Karan Johar reveals that the film’s director Shakun Batra is a big fan of Woody Allen films and has therefore brought a very different idiom to the rom-com. &...
New Shah Rukh Khan-Katrina Kaif starrer directed by Yash Chopra is set to go on the floors Monday. "Launching my dad's film today with a little pooja at YRF...shoot starts tomorrow with. @iam...
Katrina Kaif has moved from shooting with Salman to Shahrukh. The film with Shahrukh, as we reported on Saturday, will be directed by Yash Chopra who’s returning to direction after eight years. ...