If I could pull

If I could pull
If I could pull down the rainbow I would write ur name with it & put it back in the sky to let everybody know how colorful my life is with a friend like u!!

Jan, 13 2012     156 chars (1 sms)     751 views       Friendship

more Friendship SMS Messages

Heart beat are countless, spirits are ageless, dreams r endless, memories are timeless and a friend like u is Useless. Oops! Sorry Yaar, Priceless
If someone would ask me what a beautiful life means, I would lean my head on your shoulder n hold u close to me n answer w/ a smile: “Like this!
As I saw ants crawl up the wall, I noticed that no matter how busy they are, they still stop and communicate with each other. I hope we can be like them.
A friend is a push when you have stopped, a chat when you are lonely, a guide when you are searching, a smile when you are sad, a song when you are glad.
What is Real but Invisible?-ur Carewhat is true but unfair?-ur AbsenceWhat is sweet but Naughty?-ur Smilewhat is Precious but Priceless?-Our Friendship
Stars have setelled & moon will shine, Frndship matures as a lovely wine a very lovely nite 2 a frnd of mine
To Xpress ur love U need feelings To Xplain feelings U need heart To Xpose ur heart U need a friend To Xclaim as a friend. 'Iam there always.
True Fship is like playing on see-saw Not bcoz its always fun being wit each othr. Bt also bcoz some1 wont mind going down 2 c another1 rising up!
My Relationship..With U is Like Sugarcane!!Break It,Crush It,Squeeze It,EvenBeat & Grind It,But AlwaysU Will Get,Only...SWEETNESS..
On a silent night when friend r few, i close my eyes and fink of u, a silent nite, a silent tear, a silent wish,dat u were here!
Friendship is like a bank in which u have to deposite love,sympathy,trust,help and joy as inetrest u will get companion 4 lifetime.
Friendship with oneself is all important, because without it, one cannot be friends with anyone else in the world.....